staff & board of directors

Gallatin Soccer Club is run by a team of people that work together year round to help create an environment for our youth to enjoy a safe soccer experience.

“We could not do this without the help of our amazing volunteers”

Our team keeps growing and the future is bright for GSC due to passionate individuals who give time,effort and care into this community, this family!




    Since 2013, Ashley and her family have been part of the GSC landscape in a number of roles. Her dedication and commitment to the club shines through. Her steady and consistent leadership is by example. Ashley is willing to do all it takes to ensure the youth of Gallatin have a safe and fun place to enjoy soccer. Quiet & humble Ashley works tirelessly, on and off the fields with the children at the forefront of her mind. It is not uncommon to see Ashley don the yellow jersey & whistle to referee , or coach when called upon. When asked how and why she ( literally) does it ALL her response is simply this “To give back to the kids and community”



    In 2014 Shane and his family joined GSC. His presence at the club is evident in the mere fact he can always be found on or off the fields working to keep the club moving forwards. Upon sharing his thoughts Shane remarks “I love the beautiful game of soccer, the creativity and athletics it takes to play the game amazes me. I believe children should have a safe space to enjoy their passion and have an environment to create lifelong friendships. I would love for GSC to be the pride of Gallatin, working hand and hand with other non profits and providing the city of Gallatin with an affordable option for recreational fun and family growth.”



    Keeping the wheels on the track is never easy with a fast moving train like GSC! As the clubs Secretary, Lauren must be the glue that holds the moving parts together and keeps it on task! Lauren shared these thoughts just recently. “ I love helping and being a part of this Club. I was once a child playing rec soccer in the Gallatin Soccer Club and now my children play and love soccer. Seeing all the children of classmates, friends, and family all coming together is such a beautiful thing and being able to do a small part to keep it running is pretty awesome.”



    Charles more commonly known as “Chuck” has been a fixture of the club since his days as a player 1979-85. In 2006 He became a coach and his experience has been key in supporting and guiding all our coaches here at GSC. Chuck shares some of the history of the club and his thoughts remarking “This organization (formerly GASL) was the first organized sports league I participated in. I want to help provide the same positive experiences I had with this and other sports leagues growing up for the children of our community.”



    Coach Stew is our “Brit” in residence, moving from England to TN in 2006. Coaching & soccer run deep in his blood, thought you may hear him still calling it “Football” adamantly from the sidelines. He’s never shy to share what it means to him to be part of GSC “I’m so thankful and find such joy connecting with everyone who plays a part in our club but most of all the kids. I hope to advance the progress and sustainability of the club, while promoting a highly competitive yet fun culture. I believe in fostering a healthy environment for growth centered around skills for both soccer & life beyond it.”



    Sarah goes far back with GSC all the way to 2008 when her son first started his own soccer journey. Her favorite thing to do (besides float in a pool) is to celebrate and share all the news & latest happenings at the club. Handling social media and marketing duties allows Sarah to connect with the families and businesses interacting on a daily basis around town. Here Sarah talks about her time at GSC “I learned to love the game of soccer as my children grew up playing soccer. I want to help others develop the love and appreciation of the game. My aim is to continue to help people develop a love of soccer”



    In the winter of 2023 Brittney stepped in to the crucial role of Treasurer for the club. The role requires a high level of commitment and attention to detail. When speaking about what it means to be on the board Brittney said “ I enjoy supporting programs in our community that invest in our children--in their mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and GSC does exactly that by offering an encouraging and safe place for children and their families to learn, play, and grow. The friendships and mentorships that are formed when young people connect with each other and with coaches who encourage them to be their best selves are invaluable.”



    Sonya epitomizes the values that our club hold dear. When you are in our family, its for life!. Sonya reflects on her role by stating “I serve on the Gallatin Soccer Club Board of Directors to help foster a positive and inclusive environment for players of all ages and skill levels..Both of my children started playing soccer with GSC and while they are no longer with the club, I am passionate about giving back to the community and supporting the development of local youth sports programs. My goal is to ensure the club provides excellent opportunities for player development, fosters a love of the sport, and is accessible to all.”



    This important role protects and ensures the clubs assets including our most crucial ones our children. Cody works diligently to provide stability and compliant guidance in many aspects of the clubs operations. Cody speaks to this by stating “ i want to help provide a fun yet safe environment for the kids in our community to play and excel at a sport they love. My vision for GSC is to grow the organization to reach more youth to have the opportunity to achieve their full potential in the sport of soccer.”



    Josh has energy and ideas that demonstrate how very passionate he is about supporting the club and driving it forwards! His role will see him connect with strategic partners, local and commercial businesses who share our vision and can support its development. Josh remarks “I love the game of soccer and have seen firsthand in my work overseas the positive impact the sport has on everyone in the community. I think it's the greatest sport in the world- it is approachable for even beginning and novice players and fosters a higher sense of belonging and builds confidence without subjecting children to the dangers inherent in playing other popular sports. GSC already has one of the highest enrollments of any of the youth league sports in our area. I want to see those numbers continue to grow .”



    Dustin has been a regular fixture of the club for a number of seasons and continues working with our recreational teams to provide guidance and support to coaches and parents of our players. He often talks about the time he spends around the club and how much he enjoys seeing the park full of families spending valuable time together. When asked why he chooses to spend his time at GSC he simply states “I just have a passion to pour the love of soccer back into the upcoming generations.”

    Thanks to Dustin for helping make our rec program so successful!

  • Katie Clason





    Tracy gives so much of his time ensuring that our large U10 age group has all the support they need every season. Like so many of our volunteers Tracy reflects on why he does all he does for the club. “It’s just a way for me to give back and hopefully help make a difference in the lives of our youth. “ Tracy says that his time here is meaningful and in his mind the purpose is “To keep a place for our kids to be able to play a game they love.”

    We agree Tracy and are lucky to have you on our board!



    Sasha is known and loved by all at the club. Her bright welcoming smile never fails to spread cheer and she can always be seen cheering on every single child that takes to the fields. With warmth and joy Sasha shares her thoughts by telling us “ i love soccer, and I see how much the children in our community love it. So I want to do whatever I can to foster that love and share this awesome sport with as many kids as I can.”

    We are really proud to have Sasha with us for all she brings to our club and the lives she touches with her kind spirit!



    Jill brings so much to the lives of some of our youngest players and families. Her support of the coaches and parents make it possible for their journey into soccer to start out right!

    Jill shared some words with us that continue with a theme we hear often. “I love supporting any organization that helps kids grow and shapes them to be well rounded people and develop life skills. I love getting to watch kids grow and learn!”

    We hear you Jill and we are really thankful that you are part of our team! We never tire of working with people who know our kids are the reason for everything!



    Each season comes with challenges and time sensitive operations that must be carried out to ensure all our players are able to partake in the sport they love. It’s no easy task to prepare for the outfiting of hundreds of people. Karen has it down to an art and tells us why! “i love everything about soccer . My vision is to see us grow so much that we need more land, more directors, and more volunteers to do our own tournaments.” Karen is clearly is preparing for more socks, shorts and shirts and we are lucky to have you with us to ensure that process goes smoothly!



    Aaron joins us in 2024 at a time where we face challenges to preserve and project access to safe places to play the game. Growth comes with strain on resources and we know that Aaron will do everything possible to takes us forward so that our standards and scale can match the growth of our programs. Aaron say’s “I believe that a community is only as good as the people willing to volunteer their time to improve and build on its future. I have a desire to see things improve and plan to contribute my array of skills to furthering the goals of the GSC. I envision The GSC having fields and facilities that match the popularity and engagement of the community.”

    We share your vision Aaron and look forward to enjoying the fruits of your labor!



    Jeff ensures that our recreational games are covered by officials and that every game has the appropriate assignments from TN State Soccer. With a large number of teams playing at the same time this is like herding cats to herd more cats! We simply could not make this happen with Jeff’s guidance and attention. a Veteran and public servant Jeff is a lifelong lover of sports and gives his all our organization!

    Thank you Jeff!

Gallatin rangers team coaches & staff